Raskin, both Harvard Law School graduates, penned a moving tribute to their son earlier this month, remembering a young man with “a perfect heart, a perfect soul, a riotously courageous and relentless sense of humor, and a dazzling radiant mind.”

“But oftentimes these reflections and deliberations stay academic - Tommy always wanted to make sure he was translating the beliefs he arrived at into practice.” Jamin Ben “Jamie” Raskin ’83 (D-Md.), said in an interview with The Crimson. “College is a time when people do think about moral philosophy and morality, and that’s wonderful,” his father, U.S. Relentlessly passionate about aiding the global poor, Raskin’s friends and family said they will remember him as a visionary who displayed an intense commitment to justice and the truth, yet had an easy way of talking with people that made them feel heard and respected.ĭemby’s perception of Raskin’s passion to make the world a better place was shared by his family and friends. The cause of death was suicide after a long battle with depression, according to a family spokesperson. Raskin, a second year student at Harvard Law School, died Dec. For that reason, when she learned a few weeks later that Raskin had donated to the anti-poverty organization Oxfam in the names of each of his students, she was not necessarily surprised, but simply “impressed and taken aback by how authentic he was as a person.” What set Raskin apart, though, was that he did not just talk about creating a more just world, he lived his life in pursuit of that goal, Demby said. “Tommy” Raskin - asking, “Shouldn’t we all be doing as much as we can to help those less fortunate than us?” Demby ’22 remembers her teaching fellow - Thomas B. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 80, text HOME to 741741 or go to /resources for additional resources.During a section discussion in the famed Harvard course “Justice” this fall, Suuba M. If you or someone you know is at risk of suicide please call the U.S. The fund, which has been launched with an intial contribution of $50,000, will distribute money on a semiannual basis to causes an charities championed and advanced by Tommy Raskin, including Oxfam, Give Directly, the Helen Keller Institute, and Animal Outlook. In addition, the family announced the launch of the Tommy Raskin Memorial Fund for People and Animals through the Greater Washington Community Foundation.ĭownload the FOX 5 DC News App for Local Breaking News and Weather The Raskin family will hold a private funeral service on Tuesday morning, followed by virtual public memorial services later this month. Please look after each other, the animals, and the global poor for me. "He left us this farewell note on New Year’s Eve day: ‘Please forgive me. "On the last hellish brutal day of that godawful miserable year of 2020, when hundreds of thousands of Americans and millions of people all over the world died alone in bed in the darkness from an invisible killer disease ravaging their bodies and minds, we also lost our dear, dear, beloved son, Hannah and Tabitha’s beloved irreplaceable brother, a radiant light in this broken world," the statement concluded.

The obituary explains that Raskin was "tortured" by a "blindingly painful and merciless ‘disease called depression,’" and that, despite a strong support network of loving family, friends, and doctctors, "the pain became overwhelming and unyielding and unbearable" for the "young man of surpassing promise to our broken world."

Raskin announced the death Thursday of Tommy Bloom Raskin, 25. Jamie Raskin of Maryland said his son has died. Jamie Raskin of Maryland announces death of son Tommy, 25